The human mind is the most complex organ of the body. Our minds are responsible for every action and reaction that our bodies engage in, or react to. We can’t laugh, get nervous or feel impatient without our minds saying so, nor could we experience achy muscles, frustration or complete calm without our minds first saying: “oh, this is happening”.
MindSavvy exists to provide busy, non-scientific people with an understanding of their minds, and the incredibly powerful role they play in our ever-rising stress levels.
MindSavvy teaches you to work WITH your mind and strengthen the right connections. By understanding your mind and learning what it needs and what it likes, you have the power to change the messages that your mind produces…to immediately reduce the impact of stress on your body, lower your blood pressure, increase your patience and enhance your higher level thinking.
At MindSavvy we teach you how to use as little as 10 minutes of your day, at your desk, or wherever you feel comfortable, to practice simple and easy-to-learn awareness, breathing and meditation techniques, that are then delivered right to your inbox.
These practices are designed to complement your busy schedule, provide understanding and awareness that will improve your health, provide control over your emotions, increase your patience, allow you to sleep more effectively, improve your judgment, tap into more energy and be more efficient and effective in all areas of your life…no matter what’s going on around you.
No bachelor of science, psychology, note-taking, incense, candles or sitting on the floor with legs crossed required. What we teach is simple and scientifically-proven.